In this new book coming soon, we continue the journey we started together in Walking Through Your Walls with a stroll through all your chakra power centers. Recognized by the mystics but largely ignored by the Western world, the human energy system known as our chakras is a fundamental key to understanding how life works.
Walking Through Your Chakras
Pathways to Self-Love
Awakening to the Power Within You
In Walking Through Your Chakras, Lynda details the seven core chakras of the human body. The book is filled with insight and clarity and contains exercises and meditations to help you bring your chakras into balance and harmony.
Whether you are struggling with your health or your life in general, a good understanding of your chakra system, how it works, and how you can work with it is fundamental to your well-being and wholeness.
Lynda expects to release a digital version of Walking Through Your Chakras in the fourth quarter of 2021. You can find some chakra meditations on both Lynda’s YouTube and SoundCloud channels. Contact Lynda below if you are interested in scheduling a private Chakra session or to check the group schedule calendar.