You may have noticed that I haven’t written a blog post in a while. March of 2020 was my last post. We all know what happened.

Here we are a year and a half later. The world is hard to recognize, isn’t it? A mutating virus has brought the planet to its knees, but that’s not all. Mother Nature is also punishing us for not listening to the warnings from the activists back in the 1960s. Those of us who are old enough to remember, know that we were warned. Society didn’t listen. Unfettered capitalism rules in America, at least, if not globally. It’s essential to the people in power that they make money. It is genuinely all that they care about. Nothing else matters. If you disagree, I invite you to prove me wrong.
Politically the world is undergoing radical change as well. The extremists have gotten toe holds in many countries, including America. (Religious extremists are no different from other kinds of extremists and terrorists. Don’t kid yourself; they are terrorists in their own rights. They just look different from the stereotype.) The world has become unsafe in many places, including Texas.
How do we navigate our lives during these severely challenging times?
The most important thing you can do, number one, is to take care of yourself! You may be nodding your head, having heard about “self-care” from the media or a yoga instructor. This is undoubtedly a great place to start, but I’m speaking of something much more profound. Everything shifts, and life takes on a unique light when you understand the profundity I describe.
If there were ever a time to understand the physics of what is truly happening in this three-dimensional plane, it is now.
I’m fond of saying, “There isn’t anything out there.” Those of you who have seen me speak know that my hands point outward to the room. What may not be clear from that gesture is that the body doesn’t actually exist either.
There is a great deal of learning that goes into understanding my statements above. The only thing that exists is consciousness. That’s the real key behind all of it.
To navigate today’s world, I suggest thinking of life as a play. First and foremost, don’t take things so seriously! If you are familiar with theatrical plays, you understand someone wrote a script that is acted out live on stage. The beginning, the middle, and the end.
In this case, in your case, as in mine, God wrote the play. You are God, but we’ll save that discussion for a different post. Let’s tackle one radical idea at a time, shall we?
“What about free will?” you may ask. For now, merely consider that you have been cast in the role of your present life. As far as I understand it, when we imagine ourselves into what we think of as form, we do so to experience something. We are consciousness, and our lives are lives we have thought of already. Our thoughts about our life are why we are here. We can undoubtedly exercise free will at any given moment. If our choice draws us away from the script, it’s my experience that unseen forces will ensure we get back on track. There is a purpose and a meaning to each apparently physical life that exists. You have meaning. You have a purpose. Your soul came here to experience something. Suppose you free-will yourself away from your soul’s desired experience. In that case, I understand you will come back into another apparent life again to have the experience that’s wanted by your soul.
So, after realizing something much more significant is happening here in this 3-D realm than the physicality of what we see, the first thing to do is to become centered within yourself.
Forming new habits can be difficult, but today’s technology can help a great deal. Start with a simple ten-minute meditation, or five minutes if that’s all you can manage. Set a daily reminder for yourself so that you have a good chance of incorporating a new routine.
There are lots of meditation apps you can use. My favorite is Daily Calm. You can use music or guided meditation, or you can just sit quietly. Using a mantra works well for some people. I use different mantras depending on what I want to focus on at the time. I would love to help you develop a mantra you will enjoy using. Send me a message through my website!
Building a new world, which many of us dream of, will take a true reimaging of how things work. Our suffering and lack are merely a result of our misunderstanding of the mechanisms. Start by getting to know yourself. You are where everything starts for you. I am teaching you a new way of looking at the world because it’s your world, and you can make it anything you want. (I’m not talking “Law of Attraction.” This is physics.)
You may have heard the phrase, “your body is your temple.” This is true. I like to describe the body as the housing for your soul. It’s where your soul resides to have a 3-D experience in this play. When your body ceases to function, you return to the field of consciousness that is all that is. Your spirit is the thing that animates the body. Your soul is what matters. Your soul is what is eternal. Your soul is God.
Until next time,
Lynda Lamp
I am here to serve you in any way that will move you closer to an authentic experience of your wholeness. Please send me a message or a text.